[와우업적]지하 작업
2024. 10. 3. 03:32
2024.10.03 지하 작업 획득 10점짜리 48170점
지하 작업 업적은 내부전쟁 확장팩 업적으로 2개의 전문기술을 숙련도 100찍는 업적입니다.
WoW-professions.com - Profession Leveling and Farming Guides
Professions in Dragonflight will be significantly different than how they worked in basically every other expansion, there is a major overhaul to the whole system. There are new specializations for each profession, crafted gear with different qualities, ne
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상위업적으로 5개 숙련도 100개 찍는 업적이 있습니다.
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